- family settlement
- семейная недвижимая собственность
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
family settlement — An agreement between members of a family settling the distribution of family property among them. Fitzgerald v. Nelson, 159 Or. 264, 79 P.2d 254, 255. An arrangement or an agreement, between heirs of a deceased person, by which they agree on… … Black's law dictionary
family settlement — An agreement between members of a family settling the distribution of family property among them. Fitzgerald v. Nelson, 159 Or. 264, 79 P.2d 254, 255. An arrangement or an agreement, between heirs of a deceased person, by which they agree on… … Black's law dictionary
family settlement — An agreement between the members of a family settling the distribution of family property among them … Ballentine's law dictionary
family settlement — noun see family contract … Useful english dictionary
settlement — Act or process of adjusting or determining; an adjusting; an adjustment between persons concerning their dealings or difficulties; an agreement by which parties having disputed matters between them reach or ascertain what is coming from one to… … Black's law dictionary
settlement — The ending of a controversy by agreement. The determination of an issue or of the correctness of an account. The payment of an obligation. The order made upon a trustee s account, determining the amount of the trust in the hands of the trustee… … Ballentine's law dictionary
family contract — noun or family settlement : a contract between the members of a family settling the distribution or descent of its estates … Useful english dictionary
family arrangement — A term denoting an agreement between a father and his children, or between the heirs of a deceased father, to dispose of property, or to partition it in a different manner than that which would result if the law alone directed it, or to divide up … Black's law dictionary
family arrangement — A term denoting an agreement between a father and his children, or between the heirs of a deceased father, to dispose of property, or to partition it in a different manner than that which would result if the law alone directed it, or to divide up … Black's law dictionary
family agreement — Same as family settlement … Ballentine's law dictionary
Family resource program — Family resource programs are community based organizations that support families in a variety of ways. Examples include family resource centres, family places, family centres and neighbourhood houses. They can also be linked to schools, community … Wikipedia